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Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), a FAQ






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CAREERs 360 organisation had provided an interesting list of top PGDM schools. Please follow the link to the Career 30 website. 

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) Schools

in Alphabetical order!  

Is PGDM recognized?

Yes, it is recognized as the autonomous institutions that  provide these diplomas  are  approved by  the government regulator All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) .

Why  do the PGDM  degrees need to be provided with an equivalence certification ?

PGDM  certification  will not be recognized in the international business education community as the nomenclature is special only to India. The world recognizes only MBA.

Who provides  the recognition

A government run Association of Indian Universities (AIU) today gives such recognition for a fee to the  PGDM institutions after verifying their certification against equivalence  criteria of AIU

In terms of branding how does the PGDM and MBA fare?

In terms of branding the PGDM institutions are far ahead of the  MBA schools as the  industry recognizes the superior quality of the  two year programmes as the autonomous business schools enjoy a degree of freedom to revise  their courses matching with the expectations of the industry while the University system  is not as flexible  in helping the  affiliated schools to change their offering to match with the industry needs.  Even among the internationally accredited schools there are only four MBA schools from the total of 27 accredited schools currently in the country.

In the popular media ranking where does the PGDM and MBA programmes stand  today?

The media rankings done by the business publications place the PGDM institutions far above the MBA programmes.  Out of the first 50 schools invariably between 35 to 45 schools would be in the category of PGDM

How many PGDM schools are there and when compared with the MBA programmes?

Today  between 360 to 420 PGDM schools function in the country while there are around 3600 MBA porgrammes  run by affiliated colleges of the Universities.

What is AIU and MBA Equivalence? 

Association of  Indian Universities (AIU) was set up to grant MBA degree equivalence to PGDM  certificate so that the students could go in for the PhD programmes administered by the University Grants Commission (UGC) recognised  colleges 

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